Collection: Always Do What You Should Do

What is Always Do What You Should Do Clothing?

Always Do What You Should Do Clothing, or simply Always for short, is a skateboarding and surfing brand from Mount Maunganui (looks on Google Maps), New Zealand. Founded by Nick Mason, who is a skateboarder, surfer, and a former retail associate, the brand’s name and message reminds us of a normative judgement famously (and falsely) ascribed to Immanuel Kant, which states that You Can because You Will what You Must. Now, many skateboarders (and surfers, presumably), subscribe to a lifestyle that caters to their desire to do whatever it is that they want to do. But that’s not exactly the same as always doing what it is that you should do. So, how do you know what you should do? Kant led this question to his categorical imperative, Nick Mason led it to creating his own streetwear company.

Always Do What You Should Do Skateboarding T-Shirts and Decks

Though Nick Mason started out with producing watertight smell proof cases (for traveling, surfing, and hiding illicit oregano in), his company quickly began covering apparel as well as skateboard decks. Always t-shirts, hoodies and longsleeves are pretty chill when it comes to their designs; however, expect somewhat nineties-ish graphics (the company’s logo is the @-sign, duh). The fits are loose, just as you should hang, bro, and the colors are plentiful. Basically, you can wear Always Do What You Should Do hoodies and t-shirts to any occasion except maybe to funerals.

Always Shop Always Do What You Should Do Online At Bonkers Online Shop

This SEO line from hell pretty much sums it up, folks. Whether you’re looking for Always longsleeves or skateboarding decks, you can find Always Do What You Should Do apparel at Bonkers, both on our webshop and our store in Frankfurt.